Cascading deletes are a scary concept initially 级联删除起初是一个可怕的概念。
Relationship should not trigger a cascading delete 关系不应触发级联删除。
Relationships defined , you may trigger a cascading delete 关系,则有可能会触发级联( cascading )删除。
Cascade delete in database speak 级联删除) 。
For database cascading delete 级联删除
Cascade deletes all rows containing data involved in the foreign key relationship 级联删除包含外键关系中所涉及的数据的所有行。
Now that you know all about cascading deletes and you ve promised to be careful , you can see the actual code to execute the embedded 如果您已经完全了解了级联删除,并保证会多加小心,那么您就可以来看执行嵌入的
Users can exists outside of a group ; that is , aggregation not composition in database speak no cascade delete relationship exists between 用户可以存在于组外,即是aggregation而不是composition (用数据库的说法,在